Since you're on a Mac you can use screen from the command line (since you're using 9600 baud): screen /dev/ttyS0 9600 If that doesn't work then you're dead in the water. The first thing I'd do is make sure you can connect to your external device using the Host OS directly. Refer the following link to know more about console port and console cable.

Connect the other end to the Serial port of your computer. Connect the RJ45 jack of your console cable to the console port of your Cisco Router or Switch. Make sure that you have correct console connection to Cisco Router or Switch. Click the following link to download PuTTY.

3 Select Category: Session, click the Serial radio button, 4 If you want to save this session, enter a name in Saved Sessions and click Save. Edit the settings, eg: COM1, 9600, 8, 1, None. The serial adapter should be listed: 2 Open PuTTY, and click Serial from the Category: Connection. Enter the correct port number when you connect from your computer. The port number may be different in your computer. The port number is COM4 in below example. Enter the port number inside 'Serial line to connect to' text box. Refer the following link if a Serial Port is not available in your computer.ġ) After downloading PuTTY, connect the console cable with Cisco Router or Swtich, double click putty.exe to execute it.

Serial line: Whichever port was determined previously, likely COM1 or COM3 on Windows, or /dev/ttyUSB0 on Linux. To connect to a serial port, start PuTTY and then set the following parameters: Connection Type: Serial.